And as for his political action committees, Richard Pildes, a professor of constitutional law at New York University law school, said they can’t pay Trump’s judgments. If Trump truly can’t afford the judgments, he would have to declare bankruptcy. And whether it requires him to sell or to put a lien on something to get a loan, that’s his problem, not ours. He’s going to pay,” Carroll’s attorney Roberta Kaplan said on CNN last month.

  1. In Solve Sales Tax, Commission, and Discount Applications, we learned how to translate and solve basic percent equations and used them to solve sales tax and commission applications.
  2. Construct a problem in which you calculate the mass of the arm and find its center of mass based on the scale readings and the distances of the scales from the shoulder joint.
  3. Finally, the following image displays the solution to the first exercise.
  4. (a) How much torque are you exerting in newton × meters (relative to the center of the bolt)?
  5. One child pushes with a force of 17.5 N at a distance of 0.600 m from the hinges, and the second child pushes at a distance of 0.450 m.

(b) What is the minimum coefficient of friction between the hooves and ground? Note that the force exerted by the wall is horizontal. Suppose a horse leans against a wall as in Figure 9.30. Calculate the force exerted on the wall assuming that force is horizontal while using the data in the schematic representation of the situation.

Trump claimed in a deposition last year that he had “substantially in excess” of $400 million in cash on hand. NEW YORK — A seven-figure verdict, an eight-figure verdict and, now, a nine-figure verdict. Some apps, including Google Maps, have limited service offline. Payment apps also do not use a phone’s cell service to work and should also be useable.

Explicitly show how you follow the steps in the Problem-Solving Strategy for static equilibrium. For the more recent Carroll verdict, which Trump has also vowed to appeal, 111 percent of the judgment would be $92.46 million. Trump has a 30-day window after the Jan. 26 verdict to either pay cash into the court’s escrow or get a bond while he appeals. And it would require Trump to find a third party willing to take on the risk of loaning him money. There are eight exercises related to the solver in this file. The “Problem” sheet shows the exercises, and the “Solution” sheet shows the problems worked out.

He could transfer assets from the Trump Organization to himself in order to help satisfy the judgments. Trump would likely have to sell something, although it wouldn’t necessarily have to be property. Finally, the following image displays the solution to the first exercise.

The upper leg muscle (quadriceps) exerts a force of 1250 N, which is carried by a tendon over the kneecap (the patella) at the angles shown in Figure 9.37. Find the direction and magnitude of the force exerted by the kneecap on the upper leg bone (the femur). Suppose a 900-kg car is on the bridge in Figure 9.33 with its center of mass halfway between the hinges and the cable attachments. (The bridge is supported by the cables and hinges only.) (a) Find the force in the cables.

AT&T’s network is having problems: What you should know while navigating a phone service outage

One is placed under the elbow and the other under the back of her hand. Construct a problem in which you calculate the mass of the arm and find its center of mass based on the scale readings and the distances of the scales from the shoulder joint. You must include a free body diagram of the arm to direct the analysis. Consider changing the position of the scale under the hand to provide more information, if needed. You may wish to consult references to obtain reasonable mass values.

Now we’ll develop a strategy you can use to solve any word problem. This strategy will help you become successful with word problems. We’ll demonstrate the strategy as we solve the following problem. You have also translated word sentences into algebraic equations and solved some word problems.

We analyzed the biceps muscle example with the angle between forearm and upper arm set at 90º 90º . Using the same numbers as in Example 9.4, find the force exerted by the biceps muscle when the angle is 120º 120º and the forearm is in a downward position. From the information given in Figure 9.35, calculate the magnitude and direction of the force exerted on each foot by the floor.

Number problems don’t usually arise on an everyday basis, but they provide a good introduction to practicing the Problem Solving Strategy. Remember to look for clue words such as difference, of, and and. In Solve Sales Tax, Commission, and Discount Applications, we learned how to translate and solve basic percent equations and used them to solve sales tax and commission applications. In the next example, we will apply our Problem Solving Strategy to more applications of percent.

1: Use a Problem Solving Strategy (Part

Verify that the force in the elbow joint in Example 9.4 is 407 N, as stated in the text.

Excel Solver Exercises: 8 Advanced Problems

(b) Find the direction and magnitude of the force exerted by the hinges on the bridge. A device for exercising the upper leg muscle is shown in Figure 9.38, together with a schematic representation of an equivalent lever system. Calculate the force exerted by the upper leg muscle to lift the mass at a constant speed. Explicitly show how you follow the steps in the Problem-Solving Strategy for static equilibrium in Applications of Statistics, Including Problem-Solving Strategies. (a) Calculate the magnitude and direction of the force on each foot of the horse in Figure 9.30 (two are on the ground), assuming the center of mass of the horse is midway between the feet.

A 17.0-m-high and 11.0-m-long wall under construction and its bracing are shown in Figure 9.31. The wall is in stable equilibrium without the bracing but can pivot at its base. Calculate the force exerted by each of the 10 braces if a strong wind exerts a horizontal force of 650 N on each square meter of the wall. Assume that the net force from the wind acts at a height halfway up the wall and that all braces exert equal forces parallel to their lengths.

Can Trump pay? What if he doesn’t? Here’s what to know about Trump’s massive civil judgments.

Note that the force exerted on the wall is equal in magnitude and opposite in direction to the force exerted on the horse, keeping it in equilibrium. (a) Using the information in the figure, calculate the force exerted by the wave accounting 2021 lower teeth on the bullet. Repeat the seesaw problem in Example 9.1 with the center of mass of the seesaw 0.160 m to the left of the pivot (on the side of the lighter child) and assuming a mass of 12.0 kg for the seesaw.

Use a Problem-solving Strategy for Word Problems

“Some of our customers are experiencing wireless service interruptions this morning. We encourage the use of Wi-Fi calling until service is restored,” AT&T said in a statement. In number problems, you are given some clues about one or more numbers, and you use these clues to build an equation.

NEW YORK (AP) — Customers of AT&T, the country’s largest wireless provider, reported widespread outages on Thursday. What force does the nail puller in [link] exert on the supporting surface? Using his political vehicles to pay would be far trickier. There is a general ban on using campaign donations for personal uses unrelated to a campaign or the official duties of an officeholder.

The word problems applied math to everyday situations. You had to restate the situation in one sentence, assign a variable, and then write an equation to solve. This method works as long as the situation is familiar to you and the math is not too complicated. When tightening a bolt, you push perpendicularly on a wrench with a force of 165 N at a distance of 0.140 m from the center of the bolt. (a) How much torque are you exerting in newton × meters (relative to the center of the bolt)?